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movie analysis

Do we need to post our movie analysis to blog?
Assignment 2

I'm trying to find the details for Assignment 2 and I can't. I know in general what we have to do, but for the essays: what topic should they have? Can we choose our topic freely or there are some topics we should write about?
3209_Li Du_Scene analysis

Duration: 1:13;30—1:17;15
1 Overview
It’s the middle part of the movie, the director arranges a dispute here, it’s the first and the only altercation between Lenny and Natalie in this film. In this part, Natalie walk into the house, first hide all the pens in the room to her bag, then get angry with Lenny, humiliate Lenny’s wife. As a result, Lenny goes mad, hit badly on Natalie’s face and knock her on the ground, Natalie stop shouting, walking out the house with blood on her face and the bag within pens, then sit in the car. After watch Natalie walking out, Lenny try to find a pen to make a note about Natalie, but all the pens are in Natalie’s bag. With the sound that Natalie close the car’s door, Lenny’s disease attack him again.
Contrast Dominants:
Shot Type
Master shot
Camera movement:
Flowing Natalie.
Camera angle:
Eye level
In this scene, Natalie come into her house, Lenny see her, from his eyes, we can find he doesn’t know Natalie at all, just pretend to care about Natalie. Here, camera changed, looks like from Lenny’s angle, let audiences see what Lenny sees, feel what he feels.
After Natalie come in, though Lenny’s eyes, we can see Natalie pretend to look outside the window and close all the curtains, a few shots built up a smart person immediately. And camera change to Lenny.
Here is the beginning of this part of story (between two parts of B/W scene), new we are the same as Lenny again (because we are also don’t know what is happening), and we also want to find out what’s the matter, so we will keep on watching the film, the director’s trick works again~.
Contrast Dominants:
Shot Type
Master shot
Camera angle:
Eye level
Lenny is curious on what Natalie doing and try to care about the woman he doesn’t remember. As the arrangement of the director, Lenny looks so relax, because he doesn’t remember he is the right one who kill Dodd’s partner and take the money. Director create a special sense, one side is irritable Natalie, another side is peaceful Lenny, just like the calm before the storm, something big will happen immediately.
Until here, things seem still normal, but we also can smell some gunpowder under this surface, from Lenny’s opinion, everything is fine (because he can’t remember anything), but from our eyes, Natalie having a huge different, she looks in a rush, and we’ll ask ourselves: what’s happen, where’s the gentle Natalie? In director’s idea, this is the peaceful before the storm, and we also hold our breath and watch.
Contrast Dominants:

Some soft, oddly music
Camera movement:
Move with Natalie’s hands
Camera angle:
Eye level
Before Natalie goes crazy, she collect all the pens in the room, camera flowing Natalie’s hands, Natalie is going more strange, that’s the first mind in our mind, actually is director’s bedding, follow the camera, director shows us the details, all we can see is Natalie’s skilled movement (it’s too fast so that we can hardly finger out what is she collecting), and at the same time, the mystery in our minds are getting large, question marks are flying around our head. director want to telling us what’s Natalie doing now, let us think why Natalie do that and make us keep on watching this film, and let what happen next is logical.
Contrast Dominants:

Shot Type
Master shot
Camera movement:
Jump cut between Natalie and Lenny, and the camera is waving.
Camera angle:
Eye level
From this scene, Natalie finally get mad, she looks like lost her patient. First, she crates a story about Jimmy and Teddy, then want Lenny kill Dodd and ever pay for it. Natalie changes here, make everyone doubt, director let us guessing again: what’s Natalie really is?
Director cut the camera back to Lenny’s view, so that we can see Natalie shouts at us directly, Natalie finally shows her reality, but why in the next part Natalie turns back to a lady? Is Lenny doing something make Natalie changes? This questions flow out from our mind without any stop, director sends his message clearly, this shows the director know how to use the camera well.
Contrast Dominants:

Shot Type
Close up
Camera angle:
On shouder
In this part, Natalie start humiliating Lenny’s wife, camera jump cut between two roles constantly, audiences can feel the tension in this moment. Each time camera jumps, we can find Lenny getting more anger, he try hardly on control himself, a storm is coming.
The camera is changing between two characters, it fast so that we are holding our breath to follow their argument, director create a tensional environment, first we can feel how Natalie pressing Lenny harder and harder, and how is Lenny changes from doubt to anger and deep anger, director doesn’t left us time to think, and instated of a storm-style bombings.
Contrast Dominants:

Shot Type
Close up
Camera angle:
On shoulder
Lenny understands Natalie is a bad women, but unlucky, he lose his pen. Director plan this part, let us know Natalie is a smart and evil person. but we still feel unsure about why Natalie doing this.
The storm continues, in this dialogue, Natalie is the active side, our poor Lenny is suppressed that just can plug in some short sentences, at this moment, Lenny just like a spring, Natalie push Lenny hardly, and Lenny will resist at very last. All of us is waiting for that moment, and this is what the director want us feel.
Contrast Dominants:

Shot Type
Mater shot
Some soft, oddly music again.
Camera angle:
Eye level
In this scene, Lenny hit Natalie, all the mysteries that director had set is clear, audiences contact every clue, director grasps audiences’ nerve successfully. Audiences can have a shot break, and waiting for next storm coming.
After Lenny hit Natalie on the ground, all the audience will say “O~~, so this is it!”, all the puzzle is solved, the last piece of this puzzle comes out, audiences start relaxing themselves, because they can guess the following part, but when all of us lay on the chair and breath, director cut into the B/W part, and we are focus again.
Sometimes directors is not only a movie maker, but also a psychologist, they know when is focusing, when is relaxing, when is laughing and when is crying, especially some big director such as Christopher Nolan, even some normal camera angel, normal edit, but still create a special movie for us. In this movie, the logic is a perfect circle – there’s no flaw at all, and this is one of the most important and difficult part every movie.
3352_rewrite_Scene analysis
During the opening credits of the film, the only sequence to be played backwards is shown. It starts with the developed Polaroid photograph of a man shot in the hand. As the sequence plays backwards we are shown the photo undeveloping, entering the camera, being taken, etc. As the credits end, we see the protagonist shoot a man in the head.This scene is from backwards to forwards.
Shot 1: 22 seconds, 00:01:34-00:01:58
Shot Size: Extreme close up of Leonard’s hand with a Polaroid photograph
Sound: The pure music is the mostly music that we hear throughout the shot. The only other sound we hear is sound of wind that Leonard waves the photo.The background music let us feel a bit scared
Mise-en-scene: Leonard’s hand, a Polaroid photo, the grey and blur background.
Character Movement: The hand waves the photo movement within this shot is the main focus. It moves rapidly back and forth along up and than goes down.
Camera Movement: The camera didn’t movie due these frames. Let audiences focus on the hand and Polaroid photo. Director gives a long take for this scene. Want audience to discovery the Polaroid photo from clear to blur until it disappear.
Lighting: The lighting in this shot is soft light. It makes the scene looks mystery.
Color: The main color of this scene is orange and grey. Light grey represents as background. Orange represents as Polaroid photo and man’s hand.
Editing: The scene had using jump cut in between scene to make connection for each scene.
Shot 2: 6 seconds, 00:01:58-00:02:04
Sound: The pure music is the mostly music that we hear throughout the shot. The only other sound we hear is sound of the Polaroid photo get into the camera.
Mise-en-scene: hand, a Polaroid photo, a man’s body that belong to the hand.
Character Movement: The hand put the photo back to the camera movement within this shot is the main focus. It moves rapidly back and forth along up and than goes down.
Camera Movement: The camera keep movie horizontal until he want to put the photo inside the camera than turns to move up. the camera focus on his hand
Lighting: Normal daylight.
Color: The main color is yellow lines. The grey suits; black camera and skin color hand. Let us feel cold.
Editing: The scene had using camera moves to the next scene.
Shot 3: 5seconds, 00:02:04-00:02:09
Shot Size: Extreme close up of Leonard’s hand with a Polaroid photograph to his face.
Sound: The pure music is the mostly music that we hear throughout the shot. The only other sound we hear is sound of the camera taking photo and Leonard’s breathing.
Mise-en-scene: a Polaroid photo, camera, a man’s face. when we see the bloody face we feel nervous.
Character Movement: The hand put the photo back to the camera movement within this shot is the main focus. It moves rapidly back and forth along up and than goes down.
Camera Movement: The camera movement is Vertical. Move from the black camera to the man’s face.
Lighting: Normal daylight. with the shadow from the window. makes his face half dark half light. makes character looks more scared
Color: The main color is grey and red. The blood on the man’s face looks so scary. But also let the audiences want to know that happen to him.
Editing: The scene had using jump cut to the next scene.
Shot 4: 4seconds, 00:02:09-00:02:13
Shot Size: Extreme close up of the camera and than back to his face.
Sound: The pure music is the mostly music that we hear throughout the shot. The only other sound we hear is sound of the camera Buckle on the belt. “Ka”
Mise-en-scene: camera, a man’s face. the camera focus on his face. Director want give us another suspense, where the blood from? who's? audience keep thinking about what will happen next.
Character Movement: The hand put the camera buckle on the belt movement within this shot is the main focus.
Camera Movement: The camera movement is Vertical. Move from he put the camera on belt to his face.
Lighting: Normal daylight.
Color: The main color is grey; black and red. The blood on the man’s face looks so scary.
Editing: The scene had using jump cut to the next scene.
Contrasting Areas:The contrast of this scene quite strong.The foreground(man's face) more visible than the background. So this scene shows the main character more special, on the other hand the background shows relatively blur. It helps audience to focus to the character.
Shot 5: 4seconds, 00:02:09-00:02:13
Shot Size: Extreme close up of the wall with the blood
Sound: The sound effect of blood flowing.
Mise-en-scene: blood, wall. focus on the wall and blood, Director give us another suspence about whos blood are there.
Character Movement: no character, just the blood flow on the wall
Camera Movement: camera didn’t move due this scene. Keep focus on the blood.
Lighting: Normal daylight.
Color: The main color is red and black. Red blood shows us something happen before, the dark red and black wall makes a strong feeling about this bloody story.
Editing: The scene had using jump cut to the next scene.
Shot 6: 10seconds, 00:02:13-00:02:23
Shot Size: Extreme close up to the things that on the scene
Sound: The volume is very low. If the audience didn’t listen it careful will miss it. The quiet environment let us start feel nervous.
Mise-en-scene: Bullets, glasses, and a dead people. it give us the strong feeling what happen to the man? why he has be killed?
Camera Movement: The camera focus on the objects didn’t move.
Lighting: Normal daylight. Sunshine revealed from the gap. Make the scene looks strange.
Color: Dark color. The dark environment makes us attention on the place that light from.
Editing: The scene had using jump cut due the three parts.
Shot 6: 5seconds, 00:02:23-00:02:28
Sound: The only sound that has is the gun back to the hand got “ka” sound.
Camera Movement: The camera movement is Vertical. Focus on what the character doing.and what he going to do
Camera Angle: The camera angle is low angle. Shows the character was hugeand strong
Lighting: Normal daylight. Sunshine came from the window.
Color: Half bright half dark.
Editing: camera move between the scene
Shot 7: 6seconds, 00:02:28-00:02:34

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3371_Dandan Hong Rewrite scene analysis