3081_Jiuling_Li_Scene Analysis

Scene AnalysisLost in Translation
Directed by Sofia Coppola
Under Tokyo lonely nighttime sky, two lonely people met in the bar.
Bob is an actor and comes to Tokyo to film a Suntory whisky advertisement.
Charlotte is a young wife of a photographer on assignment in Tokyo.
Bob felt had a tired marriage and lacking in romance as he goes through midlife crises.
Charlotte felt lonely and she didn’t know where her future is.
They met in the bar of the hotel where they live in. they got friendship here and experienced a lot together in Tokyo.
Directed by Sofia Coppola
Under Tokyo lonely nighttime sky, two lonely people met in the bar.
Bob is an actor and comes to Tokyo to film a Suntory whisky advertisement.
Charlotte is a young wife of a photographer on assignment in Tokyo.
Bob felt had a tired marriage and lacking in romance as he goes through midlife crises.
Charlotte felt lonely and she didn’t know where her future is.
They met in the bar of the hotel where they live in. they got friendship here and experienced a lot together in Tokyo.
2. Shot 1 analyze

Shot 1: 00:4:33 to 00:5:18
It’s a long shot.
Sound: The sound in this shot is the songs and two customer’s dialogue. They found Bob and talked about him. Then they greeted to him. The song is sang by the woman singer in the bar. It’s soft and slowly.
Character Movement: In this shot Bob just sat and drank. When the customer asked him so much questions that he felt sick of them, he just ran away.
It’s a long shot.
Sound: The sound in this shot is the songs and two customer’s dialogue. They found Bob and talked about him. Then they greeted to him. The song is sang by the woman singer in the bar. It’s soft and slowly.
Character Movement: In this shot Bob just sat and drank. When the customer asked him so much questions that he felt sick of them, he just ran away.
Character Proxemics: Bob was in the centre of the scene. It last for 17 seconds. He didn’t move until he said to the men opposite.
Camera Movement: The camera keeps shooting Bob and doesn’t move for 17 seconds, and then it moves slowly to make the focus move to the two men. At 00:04:48 the camera moves to Bob again and follow him shooting.
Camera angle: Eye angle
This is the most common view, being the real-world angle that we are all used to. In this scene Bob is sitting and drinking, the shot just shows he’s status at that time.
Light: The light in this shot is low key. This scene is all in the bar so that the light is caliginous. From the beginning to the end, it hasn’t changed.
Color Usage: The colors are very dark in this shot. I think the color here is very important. They can help viewers to experience Bob’s lonely mood.
Lens Used:
There’s no depth shot in this scene. The focus is keeping on Bob and no change.
The camera doesn’t skip. It still keeps on shooting Bob. After 17 seconds the lens is pulled and the focus changed to three men.
Subtext: The information we get here is about Bob’s low mood. He came to Tokyo and experienced something affected his mood, he felt lonely and felt that life for him no longer has any meaning. He has a bad marriage and his career life is getting down. When he finished shooting in one day’s work, he just wanted to find a corner to ponder, this scene just expression these.
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