3439-Ruby-rewrite-Scene Analysi
Scene Analysis
August 14,2010
Lost in translation
By sofia coppola
From :00:03:11—00:03:51
Student number:3439
Name : Ruby
It’s the front part of this movie, during long time to staying at the car, finally, Bob arrival the hotel. The director uses very smart way to snow how Bob’s mood. Bob stand in the back of a crowded elevator surrounded by Japanese businessmen below his shoulders.
The elevator stops at the 50th floor and the doors open onto the massive, streamline lobby of the Park Hyatt.
Bob follows the JAPENESE BUSINESSMEN out into the marble and glass lobby that frames the view of Tokyo.
The CONCIERGE and several eager HOTEL MANAGERS greet Bob. He just wants to sleep, but more STAFF continues to greet him, ask him about his fright. They lead him to reception.
Shot 1: 40 Seconds
Scene Analysis
August 14,2010
Lost in translation
By sofia coppola
From :00:03:11—00:03:51
Student number:3439
Name : Ruby
It’s the front part of this movie, during long time to staying at the car, finally, Bob arrival the hotel. The director uses very smart way to snow how Bob’s mood. Bob stand in the back of a crowded elevator surrounded by Japanese businessmen below his shoulders.
The elevator stops at the 50th floor and the doors open onto the massive, streamline lobby of the Park Hyatt.
Bob follows the JAPENESE BUSINESSMEN out into the marble and glass lobby that frames the view of Tokyo.
The CONCIERGE and several eager HOTEL MANAGERS greet Bob. He just wants to sleep, but more STAFF continues to greet him, ask him about his fright. They lead him to reception.
Shot 1: 40 Seconds

Sounds : there is no sounds effets
Shot Size: short shot to close shot
Contrast Dominants: This shot demonstrated the man first time come to Japan. By his action we can feel his Psychological activity.
Camera Movement: At the beginning, while the character in the elevator .The camera move is it stationary. And then the camera is movement, the type of movement is that is it t tracking motion .Is the motion panning. The camera move to follow the characters.
Depth of Field:
There are too quite envirvonment in this lift. This scene has been built by four shots, the shots focus on people’s face, that audience can catch or guess the some information at the beginning of movie straight way. All of Japanese was looks normal, maybe they thinking about some business, however, Bob was looks tired more than the other people. In this case, during this lift which is a narrowness space, Bob was in this crowded space, he just want to this lift didn’t stop, let him have a rest, during this scenes, Sofia Coppola make 7 seconds on it , is a quite long shot used on this not very important shot ,however ,just this lots of details to give accidence understand how tired and loneness he is .
Shot2 :

Sounds: assistant’s voice
Camera angle: close shot
Depth of Field: This is the first scene of the movie, why director put this scene here? Because Bob is in another country, director wants use this family letter to express Bob’s lonely feeling. Audience maybe thinks why put this scene here, to cause he more and more annoyance. Usually, although he is a star, he also has many stresses. Such as this message that Bob readied, put on began of this movie hint of later development in a story.
Shot3 :

Shot Type: medium shot
Camera angle: Then the camera becomes medium shot.
Character Proteomics: There is more than one character. Their relationship to each other within the frame. Express with their greet to each other. They are much closed. Their body language used to communicate a message to us. Express with Bow and Handshake.
Depth of Field:
Bob just follow the hotel waiter, He pretended to be pleased, and accepted gift walk to his room. Since he read that massage from his wife, he gets to cause annoyance. Even thouth he is artist and super star ,he also have lots of pressure and troboule from media and family
Cheerful expression was compare with Bob’s tired eyes, in this scene, there is not close shot to his face, but we can saw the whole shot of Bob and the other people compare with him.
Shot 4:

Lighting: The lighting in this shot is very low key. In the beginning of the shot, the business man is soft light with no clear motivation. As he moves, he steps out from elevator the light is no change and it is very nature.
Camera angle: the camera angle is even close to his back level.
Sounds: While he was passing with the crowed in hotel road, haven’t some sounds effect, however, maybe in Bob’s heart have a song named “tired”.
Depth of Field: Began the camera follow Bob’s back, this scene we think about Sofia Coppola make a question about this medium shot, bob accepted gift from hotel service, then he didn’t open it, over wise he walk fast, as we know, this is just a beginning of this lonely journey. What is the modern and fashion hotel in Tokyo. The bustling cities and his mood contrast it. The mysterious city, he was so tired. The lens for night he was about this long and lonely travelling.
Shot 5:

Sound: At the beginning, it is very quite. And with one moment elevator bell sounds. Is the sound diabetic with characters talking? The music had a steady atmosphere. Also, this part still with sounds.
Color Usage: The colors are very neutral and downplayed in this shot.
Depth of Field: This is the last scene in this case; waiter pushed his package and follow Bob. Bob just want to get a room and have a good rest, he don’t care about his package or gifts. Long time journey makes him so tired and bored. At this time, director use very low sounds and people crowed sounds effect to let audience to know, Bob was so falsely emotional and how old and poor he is. Maybe he waiting someone to help him and talk to him, then next part, Actress was coming soon. All of the next part need this scene to introduce and summary.
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